Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Post Midnight Ramblings

For good times (as it is after midnight and that is the time when weird non-sensical Jenn comes out to play) I am going to look up random words in the dictionary and give you my own definitions for them. Brace yourself kids, I think that we are in for a treat.

1. Antiquity-against the quitting of tea-time
2. Dinoflagellate-dinosaur gas
3. Microlepidopiera-smaller than average leopard spots
4. stopgap-the compulsive need to stop at every 'Gap store' one passes
5. zwitterion-Swahili mittens

Lastly, I am going to name a random color and type all of the words that come to mind.
ORANGE: strong, passion, sunset, romance, kissing, wine, the movie 'Sideways', male nudity...ick! Well, that "color-ramble" is finished!!
Until next time...


Rylan Schultz said...

its good to know that crazy is contagious

AlisonVeritas said...

Red: Roses, Lipstick, Passion, Blood, Tango, Spain, Cherry, Pepper, Love.

Kevin said...

you should play balderdash. thats sure fun