Friday, June 10, 2005


There is something about laughing that, even if faked, makes one feel better. As you can see by the picture, we are having a smashing good time. (miss you Alison, hope your flight went well and that you aren't too tired-had a wonderful time yesterday). The evening turned into a great ab workout as there was much to laugh about...Rylan and Jordan-you guys should have a stand up act!! I bet dinosaurs never laughed and that is why they are extinct. As you will see, there are much simpler explinations to the 'great mysteries of the world' than scientists lead us to believe. I will include insight into some of these from time to time. I now have to go workout to keep my 'over-weightedness'(hee hee) under control as I partook in so much good food last night.(Trent-those ribs are ALWAYS a good choice) Stay tuned for a satirical yet educational look at politically correct terminology.

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