Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend! We did got o bed early Friday night as this working thing had me tired out by then (hard to believe, I know!) We enjoyed company every night thereafter and had a wonderful time with them all. On Monday, I made a 17 lb turkey...ya, that's right we have turkey leftovers to hold us over until Christmas!! We had yams (with brown sugar and marshmallows on top), mashed po-tay-toes (I sang the song as I made them, Alison...hee hee), dressing, corn and gravy. It was so yummy...and the best part of it was sharing it with our good friends Maury and Marla. They were the next best thing to having family come and honestly, probably a tad more fun (sorry family!) They stayed until 10 pm and then had to drive back to Calgary...goof balls. Now let me tell you why you all need to have friends like these two. They are open and honest, caring, loving and slightly crazy. They seriously will sit down and without having to talk for 2 hours tell you what their struggles are and help you through yours. They love unconditionally and for that, Tim and I are forever greatful. The thing is...they live in Calgary. Thank goodness for phones and the internet! One of the neatest things they did last time they were here in September was go through our house with us and pray over every room...there definitely has been blessing in our home and our friendship after that. On top of all of those wonderful things, as an added bonus, really, they are quite good lookin' people, as you can see below! We love you guys and cannot wait to visit you!

So, I too have been reading this book Captivating and I just think it is a book that every girl, husband and daddy should read. I have so many thoughts on this book and it's content that I will have to think it over before I write exactly how it has impacted me. It has truly challenged me, infact quite often I read some and then put it down and walk away (cause I feel mad at it because it is challenging me) only to pick it back up 20 minutes later. I am sure that Tim wonders what my deal is. Oh well...he knew I was slightly nuts when he married me!

Now, not to kill the excitement of the big baby announcement (Alison and Leon's) I was just wondering....what does this do to our "Girl's Lounging on the Beach Vacation"??? Just wondering...

1 comment:

AlisonVeritas said...

I am still fully committed to the girls holiday. And sooner than later, still sometime next fall, which is, I think, what we discussed right! So don't worry, no backing out from me.

I totally agree with Captivating, it's better to read a chunk and then process. My friend Devon said she's read some parts where she's thought, this is great and I look forward to facing it soon, but I just can't right now.

I think it's better to do it bite size wise. I read it all through once and am now going to get the journal workbook and read it again with a little more intensity.