Monday, January 23, 2006


The last few weeks have been flying by and I just know that it'll seem like no time at all until I am laying on a beach with a margarita in hand (sidenote: to possible Elim staff reading-insert virgin infront of margarita...) Anyway, things at work have been fairly interesting and I cannot decide what I want to do about it. The administrator (the position changed from a male of 38ish to a young girl in Oct/Nov) is 23 and she is dating one of the students in first year. It makes for a tense and awkward environment when the students are asking my opinion of things (I always say that I don't have one). My job isn't really affected, although she tends to say one thing to one person and something else to another...can't really know what the truth is or what she thinks. I know that the owners of the school in Calgary aren't that great with $$ management and there always seems to be unpaid balances with other companies. Anyway, my point is: the students feel like they are graduating with a crackerjack box diploma that they paid 14, 000 for. They are known as the 'trouble-bubble', but I am actually quite fond of them. I would like to find a new job, but part of me doesn't want to leave them high and dry with no one to chat with or glean support from. Anyway...comments? suggestions?

Here is the crappy part of my week: my sermon note/journal was taken from the church 2 weeks ago Tuesday and the journal turned up in the mailboxes for the children's ministry workers. The person I chatted with said that it turned up the Thursday of that week. Yay, I have my book and pen back...but someone decided that they wanted my journal. All of the pages that had been written on were torn out. I have been journaling what God has been doing in my life since about September...and now it is all gone. Who on earth would want my sermon notes and journal but not the book??? It's very sad for me...

Anyway...I have to go and be a massage therapist for a friend at their house now...hope to hear from you all soon!!


AlisonVeritas said...

oh that is sad. I'm so sorry about your journal. It makes you wonder, does nothing seem sacred to people? You'll have to get a nice fancy new one. As far as work, sometimes it's worth pushing through, and you are there for a reason, I really do believe that. But that doesn't mean you can't have your eyes open for other great opportunities! So excited to hear all about your trip!

Linoleum said...

i think that is great that you are going to mexico... uber jealous here!

Marla said...

that is very creepy about your journal thing. i'm sorry about that. but i am excited about your trip. can i fit in your suitcase?