Monday, February 06, 2006

February Events

Hmmm...well, it is only 3 more sleeps until Tim and I leave for Edmonton to hop on a plane that is going to take us to Mexico. We are very excited! Tim has been to the tanning beds and I have been applying tanning lotion as I have decided after last summer that I would like to look like I am 27 till I am 60 (at least). My point being-I don't want to glow like some kind of whitey mcwhite white while there, but want to save my skin so...that's what I am doing! This past weekend Tim and I were in Edmonton visiting some friends of ours. Jason had tickets to the Edmonton/Vancouver game, so we got to go for free (a perk of working for an insurance company!) Soon after we got there, and a random security search for Tim-he looks scary, eh?, we took our seats. I nearly teared up with excitement and then the oddest thing happened......I fell in love with live hockey. I know, I know...Jenn is not really all that into sports...I pretend to play them and have fun, but watching them sucks! Not anymore! I am now a hockey fan. I need a team and despite my inner erge to be a thorn in Tim's side, I will not chose Toronto. Any suggestions would be welcome.

So...I don't have a job anymore. I up and quit on Thursday half way through my shift. That kind of behavior is not something that I condone, but enough is enough! I won't say much here as I don't want to create trouble (I know that some of my students read this!) But I will say that it was not a hissy fit on my behalf. It was a valid 'quit' and one that was encouraged by Tim. I'll miss the students, but I couldn't do it anymore. Needless to say, I am now on the hunt for a new job...preferably one that has some administration requirements, although in the mean time, I can re-do the room in our basement and have massage patients here. I hear there is good $$ in that :)

You know, I never did tell you about Ethan's birthday was the coolest and the kids are still talking about it! It was a pirate party with Tim and I in costume, eye patches and pirate hats for all of the kids, walking the plank, a treasure hunt and cupcake islands. Here are some pics...ENJOY...and call me if you need a party planner...I can't put pics of all of the kids as I know that some parents would not apporve of that...they were all sooooo cute!


AlisonVeritas said...

Pirate Party sounds like SO much fun. Have the best time ever on your holiday and tell me everything after.

Jenna said...

hello that picture is sooo cute and when Kayden gets older and has some friends I am excited to have themed parties for him! I was in the toddler class at church yesterday helping out and Grace was so cute, we were pretending to put on make up together..ehe i want a little girl!!

Anonymous said...

OK HOW ABOUT cheer for in hockey. They are a great team and the perk is...they have a few cute players hee hee! Shawn knows about my crush on #44 Bertuzzi...and he laughs at me.
The whole pirate party looks like it was so much fun. You will have to be my party planner for Jachin's this year. I would like to see a pic of you though in your pirate's costume.... ;)
Anyway have a great time on your trip and I can't wait to see pics when you get back and hear all about it!

kristin janzen said...

can't wait to hear about mexico!!! post lots of pictures and make us all so jealous!