Monday, July 31, 2006

Amber Alert

This post is one of a serious nature. If you don't feel like reading it-don't. If you think that I am reacting too strongly-don't finish!

We have had our first amber alert here is Saskatchewan. A boy from Whitewood just east of Regina has been abducted by a many time convicted pedophile. This news makes me extremely sad for the family and even more so, right now, angry as hell. This man has around 8 or 9 convictions. 8 or 9...that is not a one time 'mistake'. He has had 3 years here, one year there in prison. For goodness sakes, he was arrested in BC for carrying around a home made 'rape kit' that included pictures of kids, plastic ties for handcuffs, petroleum jelly, and latex gloves. What he needs is 20 to life in a real prison...and first the other criminals need to be told what he is in for. Maybe he'd think twice before even looking at another child after that stint. I do not understand why raping or molesting a child carries such a light sentence. Psychiatric reasons???well, duh! What also makes me want to use inappropriate language is that it is very difficult to find out what predators are walking around my neighborhood. I tried today to find a searchable database and came up empty-handed. If anyone knows of one-let me know! I should be able to know if the person that lives 3 doors down has kidnapped and molested children! I know there are some of you out there saying-what about forgivness. There is forgivness under Christ. BUT it doesn't mean that I am going to let my kids go to his house! You know, if these kids ever make it home-they aren't the same. Life doesn't go back to normal. I just don't understand why it seems that the rights of criminals are more respected then the rights of the innocent. Please check out to see pictures of the little boy-Zachary and the abductor. There is also a description of his minivan and license plate number there. Just keep your eyes open.


Allison said...

100% ABSOLUTELY AGREE!!!!!! I just had my first boy 11 1/2 weeks ago and am even more passionate about this than I was previously!!

AlisonVeritas said...

how awful, I totally agree it's so so horrible and children NEED to be protected. It just makes me feel sick to imagine anything happening to my precious little girl. Thanks for reminding us to be careful!

Anonymous said...

Im not sure about this, but I don't think convicted sexual predators in Canada have to register as a sexual offender. I know for sure they do in the States, but Im not too sure about here. This situation also makes me furious, something should happen to these people that are convicted of sexual offences, one they should be locked up for forever, and second I think that a certain part of their manhood should be taken from them! They think that they can just take a childs innocence, well then maybe something should be taken from them!I totally agree with you Jenn and I guess that only other thing we can do is pray! Pray for this situation (the little boy) and pray for this world, things just seem to be getting worse and worse!

A Not So Desperate Housewife said...

Though I'm not a parent, I can only imagine that my already fury over this issue would explode through the ceiling. I strongly believe that sexual predators should be sentenced to life without parole, and if they are paroled-that they are castorated BEFORE they are put back into society again. Harsh? YES. But then again so is raping a child. I do believe that people have the ability to change, but too often that change doesn't happen and it's our children, family, friends and neighbors who pay the consequences. You tell me what's fair?

A Not So Desperate Housewife said...

And by the way, that same sexual predator who kidnapped the Saskatchewan boy, is also accused of abducting a 14 year old boy from the Winnipeg area. The sad thing about this story is the boy's step-father let his son go with the stranger in his van and said he catch up with them later?! Can you believe that? What was he possibly thinking???

Jenna said...

Hi Jenn
I can't really say anything that other people haven't already said. But I agree with you and everyone else's comments. It is terrible.