Saturday, July 02, 2005

Another Fun Game

Here is another little game/challenge for you all....careful, it is 1:24am, so I may be tired...which for me, is the equivalent to goofy!! I am going to list 5 strange items and you, my faithful reader, have to make up a sentence, paragraph, movie trailer...anything, really, with those 5 things in it. Ya ready?? Alright, here we go. A leprechaun, a vibrating tooth flosser, a HOJA cd, eggplant, and a light saber.

Mine will be in the form of a limerick:

There once was a leprechaun named Vhaun
Who liked to vibrate floss his teeth with his HOJA disc on
He really enjoyed eggplant
Couldn't stand to hear his dog pant
His soliloquy lightsaber scenes made his friends yawn

I look forward to all of your creative genius...


Anonymous said...

I am going on a trip to Kalamazoo and I'm taking a leprechaun, a vibrating tooth flosser, a HOJA cd, eggplant, and a light saber. Do you want to come?
Wow that was hard. Next. :D

Just Me said...

Byron...not very creative...although I would like to see this "Kalamazoo" you speak of...when are we going?