Saturday, January 12, 2008
This one is for you, Gina.
So here is a little Grace story that I forgot to tell this evening. Grace loves commercials and is a sponge for advertising (great). She really likes the commercial for the latest Minipops album (who knew they were still around??!!) They do the song Big Girls Don't Cry (Fergie). So Grace goes up to Tim and says, "Dad that girl that sings big girls don't cry is lying. I am a big girl and I cry sometimes." End of conversation. She just walks away. It was pretty funny.
Monday, June 18, 2007
June Randoms
This will be pretty, well, all over the place-but at least it's a post, right?!
I went to Edmonton a couple weekends ago with the grads and Shawn and Lisa. It was a lot of fun....There are a few bizarre things to take note of:
1. West Ed Mall is decked out for Christmas as they are filming a movie there starring Carmen Electra, Jimmy Fallon and a few other names...of course the guys wanted a view of Carmen!
2. There was a couple that was like seriously 78 years old that had just gotten married. She was wearing a wedding dress and he was in a suit. They checked into the Fantasy Land Hotel at the same time we did. We then saw them later at Earl's...still in the same clothing and she was still carrying her bouquet! That in itself isn't so odd, but the fact that both and if not, for sure she
was totally plastered. He had to help her back from the washroom....and we saw her earlier-she has no problem walking! They were very cute/odd!
3. Phil bought a for his mouth....and it cost more than $2....nice, real nice.
Grace has graduated preschool. She will miss 'Madame', but looks forward to getting on the bus with Ethan and going to school all day. (We won't tell her who else looks forward to this!-it's not that I don't love hangin' with my kids, it'll just be nice having 2 whole days a week to accomplish daily tasks with no interruptions-first time in 7.5 years, people....7.5 years!!)

Choir has ended for another year, but I look forward to the year ahead with anticipation. God has started a work among us and I know that it will continue to grow. I like this pic of Teesh and Gina-so happy. Then we have some of the guys...they were supposed to be doing a 'band cover' pose...I think Blaine is the only one that actually
got what we were going for :)
So, here is my convo with the kids while heading out the door to church on Sunday. Most people are white, right mom....and Jesus is white, right? I am totally freaking out at this point wondering how Tim and I could have raised such sheltered (aka racist) kids...I mean, we have different colored friends, we always say we wish we were black...etc. So, we chat some more and it turns out that they are commenting on what they know from their lives...there are some black and 'brownish' people as Ethan says in our lives , but not lots and all of the pics of Jesus are of him white-which is totally not, they aren't racist, just observant of their own little world. WHEW!
I have finished painting Ethan's room. It turned out so well. I love it-it may be my fav room of the house at the moment. He really loves it too! My kitchen is being put in the first week of July-I am thrilled. My kitchen of the moment has been making me say obscenities in my head for the last 3 months. It is such a terrible lay out and I love to cook-so we really do not get along!! However, new kitchen means I need to paint the house and much work, so little time.
In other news....Teesh and I on Aug. 28, 2007 @7:30 pm at Rexall place in Edmonton will be watching JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE perform...I have no words to express the excitement I feel....just imagine the high pitched nosies, hand gestures, and general jumping/prancing around that I do when I am really, really excited...that should suffice.
I went to Edmonton a couple weekends ago with the grads and Shawn and Lisa. It was a lot of fun....There are a few bizarre things to take note of:
1. West Ed Mall is decked out for Christmas as they are filming a movie there starring Carmen Electra, Jimmy Fallon and a few other names...of course the guys wanted a view of Carmen!
2. There was a couple that was like seriously 78 years old that had just gotten married. She was wearing a wedding dress and he was in a suit. They checked into the Fantasy Land Hotel at the same time we did. We then saw them later at Earl's...still in the same clothing and she was still carrying her bouquet! That in itself isn't so odd, but the fact that both and if not, for sure she
3. Phil bought a for his mouth....and it cost more than $2....nice, real nice.

Choir has ended for another year, but I look forward to the year ahead with anticipation. God has started a work among us and I know that it will continue to grow. I like this pic of Teesh and Gina-so happy. Then we have some of the guys...they were supposed to be doing a 'band cover' pose...I think Blaine is the only one that actually
So, here is my convo with the kids while heading out the door to church on Sunday. Most people are white, right mom....and Jesus is white, right? I am totally freaking out at this point wondering how Tim and I could have raised such sheltered (aka racist) kids...I mean, we have different colored friends, we always say we wish we were black...etc. So, we chat some more and it turns out that they are commenting on what they know from their lives...there are some black and 'brownish' people as Ethan says in our lives , but not lots and all of the pics of Jesus are of him white-which is totally not, they aren't racist, just observant of their own little world. WHEW!
I have finished painting Ethan's room. It turned out so well. I love it-it may be my fav room of the house at the moment. He really loves it too! My kitchen is being put in the first week of July-I am thrilled. My kitchen of the moment has been making me say obscenities in my head for the last 3 months. It is such a terrible lay out and I love to cook-so we really do not get along!! However, new kitchen means I need to paint the house and much work, so little time.
In other news....Teesh and I on Aug. 28, 2007 @7:30 pm at Rexall place in Edmonton will be watching JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE perform...I have no words to express the excitement I feel....just imagine the high pitched nosies, hand gestures, and general jumping/prancing around that I do when I am really, really excited...that should suffice.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
In Maroon Love

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Sunday Night Musings
Fine. No one but Gina will comment on my goat blog. It's not that I found the act funny (infact quite the opposite), it's the fact that it made the news...and was under investigation...come on people...that is funny!
Well, anyway, it was an interesting weekend at our house. It started Friday when I had a Dr. appointment cause I had some tests come back 'abnormal'. It is the reason I have been a little distant the last couple of weeks. All is fine for now, but I guess we'll re-test in September. It's funny (like not Ha Ha) that when I hear news like that, I always think, well this would be my punishment for the not so great things I have done in my life. Lisa says God doesn't work like that-so I'll take her word for it...
On Friday night/Sat morning Ethan woke up puking. I HATE stomach viruses. SO, we were awake with that for a lot of the night (SIDENOTE: Tim mostly dealt with him-remember, I am 'Darth mommy' before 7:30 am) Then at about 5 pm on Saturday, Grace started screaming that her ear really hurt. Long story short, a trip to the Dr. says it is an infection and a burst ear drum. She is fine and there was just a little blood. It will heal and she can still hear out of it. Unnerving, though. So, I never made it to church this morning. It is the first time in 6 years of playing in the band that I had to cancel.
Sucky....but I'm a mom first!
So, speaking of Grace, I just had to tell a couple funny stories and show you a funny picture of her. She truly is a comedian and always has everyone in stitches....and I mean, she is just so darn cute. I was cleaning my room getting ready for our garage sale this weekend when I hear Grace calling me. So, I walk into her room and this is what I see. It looks like the big flower monster messed up her room and then ate her. She seriously was lying completely still minus the occasional foot spasm for 5 minutes pretending to be dead. It was quite hysterical. At Easter time, we went to the Children's place to get her some clothes. (she had $ to spend and wanted clothes...nearly brought a tear to my eye...she is MY daughter :) So she picked out a beautiful dress and when we were buying it, the lady at the counter asks her what special occasion warranted the purchase of the dress. Grace takes a step back, puts her hands up and says, "well...I am a girl." Of course, what other reason do you need for a pretty dress? On Friday night, Tim and I were chatting irritatedly with each other and Grace comes into my room and says, "Mom, when you argument with Daddy, it makes Jesus cry." So cute....but really funny too! She has the ability to make us laugh, even when we don't feel like it. If you have some funny stories, feel free to add them....Gina, I know you have a couple.
For Mother's Day, Tim gave me a facial and a Lululemon gift certificate. YAY...he said I am due for a new pair of Lululemon pants...I think he just likes me in them...we all know how they make all butts look great...I did buy the Butt Book: a better butt in 9 weeks by Tosca Reno, so hopefully I can live up to the expectations. And by the way, a shameless plug for the book-it is great....great exercises and great recipes...2 weeks down, 7 to go!
Well, anyway, it was an interesting weekend at our house. It started Friday when I had a Dr. appointment cause I had some tests come back 'abnormal'. It is the reason I have been a little distant the last couple of weeks. All is fine for now, but I guess we'll re-test in September. It's funny (like not Ha Ha) that when I hear news like that, I always think, well this would be my punishment for the not so great things I have done in my life. Lisa says God doesn't work like that-so I'll take her word for it...
On Friday night/Sat morning Ethan woke up puking. I HATE stomach viruses. SO, we were awake with that for a lot of the night (SIDENOTE: Tim mostly dealt with him-remember, I am 'Darth mommy' before 7:30 am) Then at about 5 pm on Saturday, Grace started screaming that her ear really hurt. Long story short, a trip to the Dr. says it is an infection and a burst ear drum. She is fine and there was just a little blood. It will heal and she can still hear out of it. Unnerving, though. So, I never made it to church this morning. It is the first time in 6 years of playing in the band that I had to cancel.
So, speaking of Grace, I just had to tell a couple funny stories and show you a funny picture of her. She truly is a comedian and always has everyone in stitches....and I mean, she is just so darn cute. I was cleaning my room getting ready for our garage sale this weekend when I hear Grace calling me. So, I walk into her room and this is what I see. It looks like the big flower monster messed up her room and then ate her. She seriously was lying completely still minus the occasional foot spasm for 5 minutes pretending to be dead. It was quite hysterical. At Easter time, we went to the Children's place to get her some clothes. (she had $ to spend and wanted clothes...nearly brought a tear to my eye...she is MY daughter :) So she picked out a beautiful dress and when we were buying it, the lady at the counter asks her what special occasion warranted the purchase of the dress. Grace takes a step back, puts her hands up and says, "well...I am a girl." Of course, what other reason do you need for a pretty dress? On Friday night, Tim and I were chatting irritatedly with each other and Grace comes into my room and says, "Mom, when you argument with Daddy, it makes Jesus cry." So cute....but really funny too! She has the ability to make us laugh, even when we don't feel like it. If you have some funny stories, feel free to add them....Gina, I know you have a couple.
For Mother's Day, Tim gave me a facial and a Lululemon gift certificate. YAY...he said I am due for a new pair of Lululemon pants...I think he just likes me in them...we all know how they make all butts look great...I did buy the Butt Book: a better butt in 9 weeks by Tosca Reno, so hopefully I can live up to the expectations. And by the way, a shameless plug for the book-it is great....great exercises and great recipes...2 weeks down, 7 to go!
Friday, May 04, 2007
Funny to me...

In a tragedy of epic proportions, the celebrity married porn goat, Rose, from the Sudan passed away today. Rose's rise to fame began when local villager, Charles Tombe, was forced into wedlock with Rose after getting caught heavily inebriated performing tawdry "bump chicka bayow" ( I believe that this is called...let's see...what do Tim and Gord call it?...Ah, yes 'porn bass') acts with the goat. The village elder mandated that Tombe marry the goat and pay a dowry to the goat's owner to recompense for his infidelity.
While most followers of the story side with Rose due to the fact that beastiality is real messed up and all, but Rose has some skeletons of her own. Rose is survived by a male offspring that bears no resemblance to her husband, Charles Tombe, leading to speculations of adultery. While, there is no proof that Rose had an affair, Tombe recalls, "Many nights, I would bring her milk before bedtime and she would be missing. It's hard to say if she was out taking a number two or perhaps moonlighting with another goat. I will say this, I loved Rose with all my heart and would never do anything to hurt her."
Local officials are investigating the death for signs of foul play, but no charges have yet been filed. Rose apparently choked on a plastic bag leading some to question if Tombe may have offed the goat. Sudanese law enforcers are not ruling out anything at this point.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Things I Like Most About Summer
Here is my list in no particular order: (Disclaimer: there is a really good chance that I wrote this post as a really good reason to post some pics that I really like...could I say the word 'really' more times??)
1. Being warm
2. Feeling healthy
3. Wearing shorts and tanks
4. No big unsexy winter parkas...JT says it best!
5. The Ex

6. Every afternoon at the Paddling Pool
7. Our trip to Drumheller, Calgary and Edmonton this summer
8. Going to Esterhell...err, I mean Estevan to visit with family and do some BOATING!

9. Earl's patio
10. Theme Parties at the Barnstable's

11. Rock star Hair-anything goes in the summer!
12. Fire pitting
1. Being warm
2. Feeling healthy
3. Wearing shorts and tanks
5. The Ex
6. Every afternoon at the Paddling Pool
7. Our trip to Drumheller, Calgary and Edmonton this summer
8. Going to Esterhell...err, I mean Estevan to visit with family and do some BOATING!
9. Earl's patio
11. Rock star Hair-anything goes in the summer!
Monday, April 23, 2007
It's Just another Migraine Monday
....errr, I hate stupid headaches! I don't really have a tonne to say. But I have heard from certain people that it is disappointing, dare I say devastating to sign on and find that those of us in the blogging world have not updated in a while. On Saturday, I rediscovered my love for Sid Dickens art plaques. ( I have loved them since I saw them in a friend of Tracy's house about 5 years ago....I still love them and think that they would be lovely in my living room....which by the way I have chosen my paint colors for and cannot wait to post pics of it all done! They are $75 a piece and I had no idea that he, on occasion, retires them. Of course, 2 of my fav's are retired and lots of $$. Why do I always like hard to get things that are expensive..._________insert sigh of consternation here. On another note...I cannot for the life of me find numbers for my house. At the moment, they are written on a piece of paper taped to the window. I am not sure what I am looking for, but it is not what is at home depot or any other store I visited yesterday! I am sure that I will find ones I love and they will be 4 billion dollars. (That is my number I go to when over exaggerate)
In other news, clothing club was fun on Friday night! We got to talk (and I mean talk...seriously, if you don't find a long enough opening or know how to don't get to tell your story! and even then the likely hood that you will be interrupted is like 98%) It is fun being in a room with 10 yappy women. Although, I suppose yappy makes us sound like tiny annoying dogs...let's go with conversational women...much better :)
I forgot my camera, so no pics.
I do, however, have some pictures from the last couple of weeks that I think are worth seeing. So here they are: This one is at Torry's 30th B-Day. Torry is eating his free dessert and Cordell and Dale apparently find something very intriguing about Dale's fork.
Then we have all the boys. Here is Tim and Jonny. They both think that they are very 'black'. Next is us girls.
I had to eliminate one of our friends from the photo cause her hubby told me that I was not allowed to put her on the internet. Maybe one day?...cause I have great pics of us from the Ex of '05!
These ones are from Gina's B-Day party. Here is Teesh and Torry pretending to be meeting for the first time...aren't they great actors? Hee hee. Then we have Gina and cute! 

Next is Gina and Dorian dancing for , they are great! I have video of it, but it is too big for if anyone knows how to shrink video, let me know and I can post a link to it! I like the one where Gina is clapping while we sing her Happy Birthday. Hey, at least she got into it! Then we have Gina blowing out her candles and then being sad that she blew both of them out and re-lighting them to proceed to blow one out cause we all know that that means she has a boyfriend (or would like one). Funny girl!
In other news, clothing club was fun on Friday night! We got to talk (and I mean talk...seriously, if you don't find a long enough opening or know how to don't get to tell your story! and even then the likely hood that you will be interrupted is like 98%) It is fun being in a room with 10 yappy women. Although, I suppose yappy makes us sound like tiny annoying dogs...let's go with conversational women...much better :)
I do, however, have some pictures from the last couple of weeks that I think are worth seeing. So here they are: This one is at Torry's 30th B-Day. Torry is eating his free dessert and Cordell and Dale apparently find something very intriguing about Dale's fork.
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